Let me preface this by saying I prefer riding over skiing but today went skiing with some buddies on Jones pass. With the avy conditions so high we stayed to one area on lower terrain. We just finished skiing and we were standing at the bottom when a group of riders came right past us and proceeded to destroy the area we were skiing. Its a small patch of slightly treed slope that I've been skiing for a decade or more. I skied up to a rider and explained that theres a lot of rideable terrain and that I'm a total sledneck and I understand that they can ride anywhere they want but could they please leave this one small hillside for us to ski. I explained that I didn't want to be a d#@k and was just asking. The choice was completely up to them of course. He proceeded to tell me that he came there to ride, started his sled and joined his buddies in trashing the hillside. I have ridden sleds for about 34 years starting when I was 10 and if someone asked me that I would have moved on to the next area. So, my question is what would you do? Is there faith in humanity or is it every man for themselves?