Anyone have any personal opinions on what tunes to run? There are tunes of them; Evo, speedwerx, SSI, d&d, turbo dynamics....
What tunes run great at just about any elevation? I also understand that you have to pay to play but some company's charge like half the price of others and they don't advertise horsepower even close to what others do? Just curious, want to tune mine m9000 but not sure which way to go. Single tune would be fine and the octane rating doesn't really matter either, I have 91, 100 av gas and 110 available just depends on how much you want to pay.
Any thoughts would be helpful! Thanks
What tunes run great at just about any elevation? I also understand that you have to pay to play but some company's charge like half the price of others and they don't advertise horsepower even close to what others do? Just curious, want to tune mine m9000 but not sure which way to go. Single tune would be fine and the octane rating doesn't really matter either, I have 91, 100 av gas and 110 available just depends on how much you want to pay.
Any thoughts would be helpful! Thanks