So the wife and I have always kinda kicked around the idea of moving the family somewhere besides SE MN. In the past it has always been northern MN where I grew up, but lately she has been touching on the thought of moving out west. Not sure why and I don't really care why.
However this is a very big decision, especially with 3 kids, so I don't want to let my thumb be my main decider.
What kind of things should I be taking into consideration when thinking about this? Obviously cost of living and wages is a big thing. Not sure what else I need to think on. My farthest move was from northern MN to southeast MN.
Both or our parents and all of our siblings are in MN so we would be leaving family behind...though I think family might be part of her reasoning.
We both like Oregon and her grandparents do live in Portland so I tend to think that is where she would be most likely to want to move....though a guy can hope for north Idaho.
So let me here some things I should be thinking about and if you've done something similar throw me the pros and cons, etc.
However this is a very big decision, especially with 3 kids, so I don't want to let my thumb be my main decider.
What kind of things should I be taking into consideration when thinking about this? Obviously cost of living and wages is a big thing. Not sure what else I need to think on. My farthest move was from northern MN to southeast MN.
Both or our parents and all of our siblings are in MN so we would be leaving family behind...though I think family might be part of her reasoning.
We both like Oregon and her grandparents do live in Portland so I tend to think that is where she would be most likely to want to move....though a guy can hope for north Idaho.
So let me here some things I should be thinking about and if you've done something similar throw me the pros and cons, etc.