Got a brother with a kid...
So... My older brother has a kid, used to be a daughter, now they're a they. PLEASE come up with a new pronoun that doesn't make it sound like you have multiple personalities.
Honestly, Straight kids are starting to suffer in our current society. EVERYONE is supposed to question their sexuality. "You never know unless you try." I grew up in Idaho in the 80's & 90's. My Dad left a wife & 6 kids for another man. He died 7 years ago & I'm still not quite sure how I feel about my relationship with him & how it affected my views.
The kid from this story might not have it bad, depending on where they grow up. I'm glad my kids are growing up in a conservative environment. That said, most people in my community would look at my views as ludicrously liberal.
Anyway - Back to my brother & his kid. She/They grew up in Bellevue, Washington. I am singularly unsurprised that they would decide they aren't a girl or a boy.

My brother used to rail against homosexuality as genetically your genes crying out that you don't want to exist. Haven't heard that (or anything) from him in a LONG time. He sees me as radically conservative. Crazy thing is, I think we arrive at the same conclusions about some things from completely different perspectives. (Washington should try this from time to time). As far as seeing eye to eye with him... maybe about .002%. If I'm lucky.
So the kid in BC... Probably got about as good a chance as the rest of us when you get down to it.