We're on the same page Kelsey but the way I read your article was that all synthetics are bad (for two strokes) and there was no mention of blends. I know one of the bad syns we can agree on is Blue Marble (it may have some merit as a one-time use based on organosilane chemistry but not for prolonged use). Are you comfortable naming others? We can certainly benefit from your experiences.
OK, So, you read an article that
NEVER states that synthetic oils are BAD for an engine YET, you intepreted the information (written) in a manner that inspired you to tell people on a public forum that I was
So, I will ask again, WHERE is the mis-information and please note the
disclaimer at the VERY top of the article.... Not trying to be flip... but stating that there is mis-information in an article is a strong statement..
If the article is open to interpretation (on the reader's part) that is one thing.. but that is NOT was was posted....
IMO, a 2 stroke engine will benefit from a mineral based oil over a synthetic oil..
NOTE: I said "benefit"!!!
This has been our findings and has been solidified by chemists and other real world testing.. If you feel more comfortable using a syn oil.. then feel free to use it... We will continue with the Legend Oil until we find something that is better...
Now for some more information...unrelated...
I am not going to be frequenting SnowWest much anymore..
I am one of the OLDEST members of this forum (see my join date) and have tried to be 100% positive and helpful for since 2001.... But all this misintepretation (like this thread) has begun to wear on me... It is simply not worth it to me anymore....
When I write
anything, whether it be on my website or on this forum.. there are
ZERO hidden meanings or ineunedos.. Even though people sure like to think that there is.. Honestly, its intent IS what is written .. that's all..
Having said, that.. I am always here to answer any and all questions.. But SW forum is NOT the medium to use for this..
PLEASE, use my email or feel free to call anytime.. ALWAYS happy to talk...
I'm out