With the polaris exhaust valve motor I don't let it idle any longer than needed. I let the sled roll back off the deck, start it up and when I think I will be able to engage the clutch and drive away, I give it just enough throttle to start moving. Then I travel at that rpm until the temp is at 125. Depending on conditions it could be a long ways before I start to increase the speed. This method prevents the exhaust valves from gumming up AND warms up the entire sled.
I'm surprised at how many guys let the engine idle till it hits 100...How often do you have to clean the valves when you idle that much? I used to pull mine every 2000 miles, but it was a waste of time since there wasn't much on them. I'm thinking that with the oil pump settings what they are nowadays I will check the valves on my '14 600 at 4000 miles.