What makes most sledders right wingers? Causality is a little confusing.. I would say that a majority of snowmobilers are right wing because they come from a more rural background. This background is more rooted in personal reliance for a majority of things in there life. These can include some material goods, but mostly they are self reliant for there NEEDS. This is an important viewpoint to understand as is a basis for their viewpoints about the rest of the people in the US and also the government. Unfortunately, the job market has shifted from a large workforce out in rural america to workforces centered around cities, and they are becoming larger and larger. The problem is that these two locations require different needs from others, and have / give / allow, different amounts of control to individuals about the things in their lives. They also need / use different amounts of govt control for efficiency standpoints.
Anyways, back to the original point. Another large part of this, is that most rural folks spend a larger percentage of their time outdoors already. Their lives are already spent in the peace and quiet of nature. Therefore, the need to go out and be in the peace and quiet of nature is reduced, unlike with more urban people. Also, rural folks tend to be more technically sound around machinery / motors and the like. Since snowmobiles are POS, and pretty much always will be, it takes / took a fairly competent person to keep a couple of snowmobiles running during the year. It also requires trucks, and trailers and the like, which a rural person is more likely to have in the first place. Snowmobiling is very expensive if these things are utilized only for snowmobiling.
So I guess to answer your question, nothing makes most sledders right wingers, just a bunch of reasons why a larger percentage of right wingers also ride snowmobiles...
Maybe this answers something, maybe it doesn't...