RIP Brian
It seems that we will have a liberal pres, I just hope it's the old cranky guy that knows about war and not the muslum obama....No matter, we are bound to loose and become a target again. Are you doing anything to "get ready"? Many are. Try to buy a AR or ammo right now. It's all sold out and back ordered and overpriced. In the words of the fat black guy, Mr T? "pitty the fool!" that tries to ever set foot on US soil....Much has been made of the "overpaid contractors" in Iraq...Guys, we went back of our own free will. With out us, we would have had to draft and had vietnam all over again. This time, every one signed up to be there. These are the same people that can and will field a force of a couple million, armed, trained and ready to kick some serious raghead arse. If nothing else, go buy a few extra boxes of your favorite deer and phesant ammo and tuck them away. Get ready... There is no down side. Ya can always use it later.