Yes---The parking lot was over priced on most of the sleds---There were alot that were asking what they were getting 2 years ago on the same sleds with lower miles--I was laughiing at these 2 sleds next too our trailer-- 08 XP with a tone of miles on it--a few goodies, but you never get your money back on that stuff--started at 6999 and then dropped it to 5999 and he was still there the end of sunday--no sale and no price drop--he had both sleds left--Do not get me wrong--there were some deals out there---But more overpriced sleds than I had ever seen st the show--especially that place out of Okanagon that brings down all the Doos out in the barn---they are so overpriced it is not even funny--
It was a good show overall--enjoyed it--but I am always there!!
It was a good show overall--enjoyed it--but I am always there!!