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What could cause this?



A little back story first, I have a 12 nytro mtx 153 that I bought brand new in march 2012 and since purchasing have been slowly modding it, mostly handling upgrades and only mechanical upgrades are mpi 180 turbo, ulmer clutch kit, and pc5 pti from oft racing. At about 600ish miles I came across a good deal on ebay for the turbo and pulled the trigger on it. Once I received it I debated having my dealer install it or doing it myself, I consider myself fairly mechanical savvy but didn't want to hurt the motor any so I asked my dealer how many turbo kits they've installed and they said they had did one like seven years prior on a rx1 so I decided to do it myself, figuring I can read instructions just as well as them and not pay the labor to do it. With the help of here the install was very straight forward and actually easier then anticipated. Machine ran great other then clutching from ulmer took some tweaking.

Now for my dilemma, towards then end of the first season with the turbo I noticed a strange idle condition developing where it would idle rough and low rpm's at first start up of the day and once warm ran normally. Figured it must have been a vacuum leak/ spark plugs. Over the summer started diagnosing problem and hit a dead end/ put it on the back burner. Come beginning of this winter I decided I wanted to up the boost and contacted Oft Racing for their spooled up kit, after several communications with rick decided to go for it, and turned out things were slow for him and he actually offered to install the headshim/spooled up kit. So I loaded it up and took it to him for install. Once he finished he had informed me when he was removing the head and installing arp head studs that he had to drill a few of the stock head bolts to get them out, which would indicate it had overheated before, but everything visually looked fine as far as head/pistons/cylinders. Had me puzzled considering the temp light had never came on and im diligent about using scratchers. Since it was only November at this point and still no snow decided to take machine to a dealer to diagnose the idle issue. Not same dealer I purchase from this one has lots of experience with turbo nytros, and upon checking all vacuum connections/ electrical with no avail they did a leak down test and two of the three cylinders had over 25% leak by, and they said it could be valves or rings which broke my heart considering at this point the sled on had just over 1000miles!!!!

Upon my approval they tore the engine apart to locate the issue. They had the head and the block sent to a machine shop to have checked out, which led to all new valve seals and all valves reseated. The block was within spec and all cylinders were round and not ovaled no scoring or gouges. At this point the dealer installed new piston rings and reassembled. Upon firing up the machine still idled like poop, they did another leak down test and center cylinder was still around 25% ish leak by and I believe it was mag side was around 20% ish leak by. Needless to say at this point every one involved was baffled and the next course of action was to order a new block and pistons$$$$$$$$$$$ I had asked them at this point if Yamaha could do anything for me be it good will some parts or discounted parts price, but..... of course was denied. So now the bill is up to $5k in parts/labor to repair a motor that only had 1000 miles on it.

Once turboed the machine was only set at 6psi boost and always ran premium with half a bottle of torco accelerator mixed in. Installed gauges same time as turbo and was always spot on afr and boost.

My question would be what could have caused this/ how to prevent it in the future.

Sorry for such a long post but trying to be thorough.
hard to say but leak down test is pretty solid way to know what is going on. what was the compression across all three cylinders? what does vacuum do under your weird idle condition? what does the o2 readings look like? does it idle weird with the dobeck or power commander off unhooked? do you know what your fuel pressure is at and whether the pickup sock has been changed?
thats terrible to hear your situation fixing a motor is never worth it when u can buy a used one for $1500.
As far as compression #'s was never given those from the dealer just the leak down rates.

When first researching the odd idle all indications were leading to a vacuum line popped off/cracked around the throttle bodies or a bad idle air control solenoid which would cause an irregular idle. After inspections from me and dealer all hoses were connected correctly and no tears/cracks, also IAC solenoid checked out and was functioning properly

O2 readings when I still had the sled before all this were always 12.5:1 or less when rideing and 14:1 or less at idle. Except when the strange idle condition started happening at first cold start of a day the o2's would be rich around 10:1 but just off idle they would go right to 11.0-12.5 and stay that way the rest of the ride. fast forward to this season when I would first cold start the sled the 02 would be extremely lean around 17:1 and rpms would be low around 900-1000 rpm and sounded like it was running on only 2 cylinders, but as soon as I would bring the rpm's up to around 1800-2200 the o2's would go back 12.5-13.5 and the machine sounded/ran normally and from there the higher the rpm the better the o2's would get 11-12.5.

Never tried unhooking the pc5 but the map in the pc5 does nothing until 3000 rpms so idle and just off idle would still be controlled by the stock ecu. Didn't run the doebeck box but just for a couple rides after installing turbo before switching to the PC5 PTI.

Fuel pump and injectors were still stock at that time, but never checked the fuel pressure, and I know the sock had never been changed/altered.

When dealer suggested a new block and pistons I scoured ebay looking for a used engine but all that could be found were from 08's for around 2500ish and hope I wouldn't be getting a 6-7yr old can of worms.
Fuel boxes can cause strange problems go back to all oem system and tell us if it still does the same problem!

Right now the sled is still at the dealer, been there since around Nov 18 to present and they should be reassembling the motor with the new block,pistons,rings and reworked head this week. Hopefully with no other surprises it should be good to go.

With my original post might have been a little to drawn out, the answer I was hoping for was what could have caused the block to be shot after only 1000miles 400 boosted. The dealer said there was no signs of detonation internally and this bad motor was a first for them and is a conundrum considering the low boost levels and always running the torco, they said this motor should have never done this. At this time its pretty much being chalked up as a fluke failure.

I was hoping to try and get a root cause as to not have history repeat itself.
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those are things I would check at point! Ebay is not place to buy sled parts there are some good part outs just look here and TY few of them even have websites
Anyone know what a new motor should even leak test at? I mean this thing was still virgin, would the rings even be seated at 1000 miles?
i have seen low spots between cly . had one cut a hole between cetner and pto cly.
odd prob

if you hadn't taken the engine apart and seated valves etc. I would have said it was the octane booster. race gas/octane booster contain lead. you cant burn it well at idle or low boost and it tends to build up deposits on the valves and rings. ran into this with my race gas apexs failing leak down, tear down revealed the deposits good cleaning and assemble all good but it quickly returns.. Yamaha makes an additive, ring release I think, that helped other than that it was run her hard and burn it out.
where your at I would not be happy with the machine shop that checked the deck on the block and head nor the shop that assembled it. not likely you have a cracked head or block unless you have overheated it julio
A couple points to ponder.

Were the cylinders honed and was ring end gap checked?

If that all checked out, how many miles and/or hours are on the new rebuild? Your rings will not take a seat until you have some run time on a new rebuild and you could have some leak at the rings until they seat.

Next questions. A leak down test is great, but where is the leak taking place? Rings, valves, or gaskets? The dealer should know this and this is a very important part of any leakdown test. It the leak is at the valves, then as Jullio stated you may have some carbon build up, incorrectly adjusted valves, or a bent valve. First thing to find out here is where is it leaking?
A couple points to ponder.

Were the cylinders honed and was ring end gap checked?

If that all checked out, how many miles and/or hours are on the new rebuild? Your rings will not take a seat until you have some run time on a new rebuild and you could have some leak at the rings until they seat.

Next questions. A leak down test is great, but where is the leak taking place? Rings, valves, or gaskets? The dealer should know this and this is a very important part of any leakdown test. It the leak is at the valves, then as Jullio stated you may have some carbon build up, incorrectly adjusted valves, or a bent valve. First thing to find out here is where is it leaking?

This is KEY! where was the leak going? Past the pistons rings, intake valve, exhaust valve? Its very easy to figure out and is a MUST DO step in the diag process.
My boosted Apex with 6500 miles on it and 10lbs of boosted would still check at 2%. There was times after sitting all summer (stored inside a climated controlled shop) that I would have an issue with a carbon or rust build up on a valve or two but once ran it would retest normal. Eric
I used to run Torco Accelerator and after about eight engine teardowns gave up on it . I've ruined two blocks because of detonation and had to pull the engine down several times to either put rings in it or clean the rust colored crust that builds up on the valves. Every time it would run real strong for a few rides then it would start losing compression I ran about 16 pounds of boost with the Torco mixed to what they called 105 octane. I had Wiseco 10-1 pistons in it and I'm not sold on the rings that they sell for those pistons. I'm now running stock Yamaha pistons and rings with a head shim and haven't had any more problems.

A couple points to ponder.

Were the cylinders honed and was ring end gap checked?

A.) Not sure if they honed the old block, and they said they double checked ring end gap and clocking.

If that all checked out, how many miles and/or hours are on the new rebuild? Your rings will not take a seat until you have some run time on a new rebuild and you could have some leak at the rings until they seat.

A.) When they did the second leakdown it was on the redone head and new rings with zero miles on them.

Next questions. A leak down test is great, but where is the leak taking place? Rings, valves, or gaskets? The dealer should know this and this is a very important part of any leakdown test. It the leak is at the valves, then as Jullio stated you may have some carbon build up, incorrectly adjusted valves, or a bent valve. First thing to find out here is where is it leaking?

A.) Dealer said it was leaking by rings into case.
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As of now the dealer still has the sled and yet to get it put back together with the new block, really losing faith in the dealer, three weeks and they still haven't been able to order the proper crank bearings to mate my old crank to the new block. Their on the fourth set they've ordered trying to get the tolerance correct. Not sure if they have been overly busy, or just not concerned about my sled. They have had my sled since Nov 18 2014 to present with no completion date in sight. Pretty much lost the entire season/ if not the whole winter if they don't get it done soon. Just really hope they are not sticking it to me

And that's why I do all my own work!!!! Wow that sucks dude I would be calling every day to chew ***! Or make them give me a downer sled to ride!!
As of now the dealer still has the sled and yet to get it put back together with the new block, really losing faith in the dealer, three weeks and they still haven't been able to order the proper crank bearings to mate my old crank to the new block. Their on the fourth set they've ordered trying to get the tolerance correct. Not sure if they have been overly busy, or just not concerned about my sled. They have had my sled since Nov 18 2014 to present with no completion date in sight. Pretty much lost the entire season/ if not the whole winter if they don't get it done soon. Just really hope they are not sticking it to me

wow if it took them 4 tries to get the right crank bearing i would not want them working on my motor.
they either dont know what they are doing or they are playing games with you,i would have snapped by now.no reason for this to take more than a couple weeks.
What I dont understand is in your first post you said they sent the block out to have it checked and that the cyliders where in spec. Then they put new pistons and rings in (Assuming then they did rehone the cylinders to break in the rings) , how do they still have excesive leakage past the ring? Fred
What I dont understand is in your first post you said they sent the block out to have it checked and that the cyliders where in spec. Then they put new pistons and rings in (Assuming then they did rehone the cylinders to break in the rings) , how do they still have excesive leakage past the ring? Fred

When they got it back from the machine shop they put in the old pistons with new rings and it still leaked by and had them baffled which lead to ordering new block and new pistons.
were they certain the old pistons were fine,why did they not try new pistons first.a set of pistons are way cheaper than a new block.
They had offered to do just new pistons or new block and pistons but being the machine is out of warranty I didn't want to have to pay all the extra labor if new pistons didn't solve the issue.

Update. Called the dealer today and they got everything back together and running, but not running smooth, which is looking like one of the new injectors that came with my Oft Racing spooled up kit ( with zero ride time on them) is bad. They put stock injectors in, unhooked pc5, and removed my yamaha rollover tether and it runs like a swiss watch. Then they put the larger injectors back in along with pc5 and it ran rough again and was the center cylinder. While I was on the phone with them the mechanic was swapping the injectors around to see if the problem followed the injector, or if it is the pc5. They also highly recommend that I swap out the yamaha roll over valve for a better unit, they said they've seen nothing but problems with the yamaha valve. That's where it stands now hopefully done soon.
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