Anybody scouted a road ride yet? Is ther enough snow anywhere to do a little break in riding. I know that baker requires 2' on the road before they alow sleds but, does that apply to all FS roads?
WA State law for operating on "public roads and highways"
"Where such roadway or highway is completely covered with snow or ice and has been closed by the responsible governing body to motor vehicle traffic during the winter months; or
When the responsible governing body gives notice that such roadway or highway is open to snowmobiles or all-terrain vehicle use; or
In an emergency during the period of time when and at locations where snow upon the roadway or highway renders such impassible to travel by automobile; or
When traveling along a designated snowmobile trail."
Not sure what forrest service roads count as but at least that gives you an idea on what the police and state patrol are looking for haha!