I have been sledding fairly regularly with Rene for a couple of years now and I would like to lay a couple of rumors to rest. Rene is the best all round mountain rider on the face of the planet. The Yamaha sled that he rides takes him places where no two strokes can go no matter what the boost they say they have. Rene and I have gone out with rev turbos Artic cat turbos and what ever else has a turbo on it. None of the sleds can keep up with a yamaha turbo. Yes we spend the more money on our sleds but for some people out there to even mention two stroke, impulse or any other kind of turbo in the same sentence as a Yamaha with an MCxpress turbo on it has never had them side by side on the hill. As far as reliability none of the turbos come close to the MCxpress. I personnally sled with 5 mcxpress turbos and I can count on one hand over the last 5 years how many times we have had to put a wrench to the engine. Nick King at Vernon Motor Sports is by far the best turbo Mechanic on the face of the planet. I know there will be some rebuttal to this but all you have to do is load up your sled come on out sledding with us and show us just how well your turbo'd two stroke works. Don't worry we have plenty of tow ropes to get you off the hill. Thanks and have a great holiday. No, I am not that good on a snowmobile(not big enough balls yet) but I have watched the best time and time again go places where everyone in the group with a two stroke wished they could go.