Im sitting on top of snoqualmie right now and its snowin hard. There's about 8" of fresh on the ground. They have the pass closed right now. Wrecks all over the pass, jacknifed trucks....good times.
Yeah, we got stuck in that mess Friday night was really beautiful when the snow first started falling, then the numbnut drivers snarled...ugh!
A 2-hour trip to Cle Elum from Lacey turned into over a 7-hour trip thanks to folks that cant drive in a lil white stuff.
Then, when we got past the wrecks & traffic jams, we got over the pass and the highway folks closed the highway for avalance control for another hour, lol.
Oh well, all bitchin aside, we awoke in our motel room after a couple hours of sleep to find sunshining skies and beautiful snow covered hills!
Rode all over out of Woods & Steele...had a great day, gonna do it again in the morning.