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Welding aluminum



Anybody on here experienced with welding aluminum? Can't seem to get rid of spatter. Tried changing volts, speed, and argon flow just can't seem to find a good combination. Using a miller-matic 350 with a python push pull gun with .035 wire, volts set at 21.4, wire at 420 ipm, and argon presssure at 45. Any suggestions will help, have a big project coming up where looks are kind of important.
I weld aluminum 11 hours a day and i use a lincoln most of the time on program 99 pulse on pulse no spatter, get yourself one of them i could hook you up with some mean settings.but unfortunately i do weld with millers to and am familiar with the python push pull gun also. Settings are going to be difficult to give you without knowing thickness of material.
All aluminum is new and cleaned before being put into jig. As for pushing or pulling the bead I usually push with better results but do also pull. 100% argon and welding mainly all 1/8" matl.

what are you using for wire,you could try a different grade,find that helps sometimes,4043 OR 5356,IS your contact tip the right length,flush with the end of the nozzle or just inside,how about nozzle diameter,too small and the gas will create too much turbulence,too big not enough flow45 seems a little high for the gas,try around 30,hope this helps
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Go to millerwelds.com

Have you looked at Miller's website? I think you are not getting spray transfer and you can tell by listening as you weld. Spray transfer will hiss as you weld. My first guess is that you voltage is too low or wire speed too high. You have to use enough voltage to get a spray transfer. Play with the volts and speed until you get a hissing sound as you weld on the thickness of material that you will be welding on.

Check out the link below.

Hi There

ulost............... At my work, all we run for machines are Lincoln PowerMig 350's with (Push/Pull) Prince torches or Python goosenecks. Shielding gas we use 100% Argon since the PowerMig 350 was designed around that instead of having to use a 75% Argon/25% Helium mix. We try to keep gas flow at about 30 cfh. Mainly we weld material (alloy 6061,6063 or 5052 with 4043 .035 wire) .375" down to .083" tube. You are not that far off on your voltage and wire speed settings but if need be, I would go down with the settings for your thickness. Never pull the bead.......always push with Aluminum. If there is any oil or contaminates on the material, make sure to remove with either MEK or Acetone. Prefered if the oxides and mill finish is heavy on material, remove with a stainless wire brush. I try to tell people new to Aluminum welding to try and keep the torch about a 15 degrees angle pushing and about 3/8" - 1/2" of distance between contact tip and material. Any further distance of gas nozzle away for the material, you start to risking good gas coverage. If your machine has a pulse setting, try that. If you are welding material around .120" , I would stay away from a spray transfer and try more of a short circuit transfer. If you have more questions, feel free to ask. Good Luck

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if your machine is a 350P with pulse it would be very easy to get away from spatter and smoke. Just play around with it until you find what works for you with your material thickness, with aluminum you can push,pull,uphill,downhill,overhead, whatever once you get it down and your gas pressure is good and the cleaner the material the better.
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