My Steamed Americans, Let me just say this about this Grassroots movement organized by my associate Diane FaFaVOOM Falzone. It is true she blackmailed, er, convinced me to allow my refutable name to be spread across this fair continent via the many despicable Chat Rooms i used to lurk in.
I stand on my belief of con-joining our brotheren to the North and the Good Ol USA by choosing as my running mate, none other than my Canadian concubine, er Confidant, MABEL, she is a fine Canuckian, bred in the Northwoods of Britsih Columbia, (No jokes here, She deserves RESPECT!)

Any trash reporting alluding to any lewd relationship with Ms. Mablewinski will result in me unleashing my 12 inch Pythons!
While Channel 3 has graciously supported me, however, I disavow any knowledge of their report on the "Tramp Crack Grannies" advertising
I shall continue monitoring the internet chat rooms giving it my complete posterior attention!!!