we have some tunes with 11hp more and much better/improve torque curve/numbers(especialy low-mid range since OEM are stock with EPA and cannot be aggressive in that zone), just like on a turbo application. the problem in the powersport industry is the fact that all kinda numbers are circulating and that people are most of the time refering horsepower to boost.The power is all about the VE(volumetric efficiency), how efficient you are with the air your engine can swallow and how and when you are burning the mixture(this is the science behind HP) .So say for an 11hp/improve ignition curve/adjusted clutching more over a stock mapping, it is translating in a 6-7 sled lenght advantage on 900 ft drag race(with same reaction time and grip on start) wich is enormous but in HP talking, for most 11hp is nothing because we are refering to the B.S. circulating in that industry.We all have been told "this pipe gives 14 hp, this head 20 hp, this intake 8 hp etc.....all pipe and i mean all pipe we ever tested on a stock engine was reducing the power output, at best matching factory hp and remember, all that with a standalone where we could play with any parameters to add fuel,igniton,compensation etc. and we never was able to add 1 hp to the majority of the pipe tested and on a professional engine dyno, not your typîcal torque arm land`n sea innacurate dyno.....so it is very difficult to talk hp in this industry since so many "unverified hp claims" are thrown to the customers, ending up building a big myth about hp/power output.With a different ignition and fueling over stock you can improve reliability of those motors also, manufactures knows but are stock with EPA, that is where a standalone ECU can also be benefical. This can go on and on with unverified hp numbers on a ton of product, this is why the majority of our ECU user on turbo application a seeing a big hp improvement with less boost or same boost, with the ECU we can maxed out the volumetric efficiency of those engines. Talking with our partner turbo performance/cody philips racing two weeks ago, one particular turbo turbo kit is showing a 10-11 psi boost on the gauge and once installing a real MAP sensor, it is in fact running 5.5-6 psi!! the gauge is so innacurate! but all the folks running this particular kit thinks they are running 10-11 psi, so when they hear we are running same kit at 6 psi with a much improve power output , they are simply not believing it.......it is all about efficiency and not numbers.