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Valdez Mountain Man Hillclimb

Nov 28, 2007
Valdez Alaska
This has proven to be the Hillclimb of Alaska.. Always a great weekend, always great racing.

It would be nice to see more of the everyday riders compete. I know there are alot of talented riders in the state that don't race..

The entry fees are minimal. The race is very exciting. The city of Valdez contributes approximately 10K. in prize money (not in stone). There are some other sponsers that put in some extra cash as well.

If you have questions shoot me a PM, or contact Laura Saxe VIA 907-835-2373.

I know it's a bit of a drive and it's after A/M. But it can prove to be a very enjoyable event for the entire family.

Hope to see you all there. All you mountain riders it's time to show your stuff. Racing starts on Fri the 17th of April..:beer;:beer;
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 30, 2007
Upper Michigan & Alaska
Good reminder Spook! Valdez is always a good time even if you don't race. It is a fun event to come watch, ride or buy parts from the yard sale at the bottom of the hill.....oh wait, that was my sled. Withdrawal the comment your Honor. :rolleyes:
I will be there and trying to get some newbies to race this year.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Soldotna Alaska
Fun time for sure. Been there in the past, just too far for me to go for a weekend and am out of vacation time. Wish it was still the weekend in front of Arcticman so 1 week of vacation will cover both events! That worked out alot better for some of us. I understand it was changed mostly for getting better weather in general and that makes sense. Just tougher to try to hit both events.
Nov 26, 2007
Right now Laura is out of town til Sunday. As soon as she gets back I will post the costs. and we are working on the Jr. class. There are a lot of kids that we would like to get started in the activities.


OFT Racing

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 5, 2008
Anchorage, AK
anybody have a link to where rules are posted? I would not mind running it and having some fun but im riding a 600 shorty now so im curious if it would be worth running. I wish there was a shorty class. Also im looking for people to go down there with, im from anchorage but im always up for a excuse to go ride valdez
Nov 28, 2007
Valdez Alaska
anybody have a link to where rules are posted? I would not mind running it and having some fun but im riding a 600 shorty now so im curious if it would be worth running. I wish there was a shorty class. Also im looking for people to go down there with, im from anchorage but im always up for a excuse to go ride valdez

There is no seperate class for short tracks. Sorry it is a hilclimb.:beer;:beer;
Nov 26, 2007
You can go to http://www.valdezsnow.com/entry_hillclimb.htm and look at the current Enrty Form it has the Entry Fees listed

Thanks...I'll pass :(

Every year I hear that the organizers would like to have more people participate..here's my humble suggestion...lower the entry fees. If I lived in valdez I'd race, but for people out of town it's too expensive to justify the drive just for fun...you would have to love racing...and I'd prefer to be out riding. It'd cost me close to $400 to race one class (1000 mod) once you factor in fuel for the truck, fuel for the sled, hotel room, racer fee and entry fee. If the entry fee was say....$20 I could come down and race a couple classes and make a day of it...even get some buddies to come along and split gas, but $400 for 15 minutes or $100 to ride 6 hours in summit...it's not a tough decision to make.

Maybe it costs way more to put this on than I think, and I'm listening if someone will take the time to explain it to me, but how about taking some of that alleged 10K in prize money and put it towards the race expenses? I know I'd rather pay less to enter and win less, and I think I have a fair shot at placing.

And why do mod sleds have to pay more? Shouldn't we get a discount since we're already spending more on race fuel? :rolleyes:

M7-Ballz 2 the Wall

Lifetime Membership
Nov 20, 2008
Anchorage, AK
Hey spook,

Ross and I are headed down that weekend for the hillclimb and some riding before and after. Just hoping that the ash from the volcano isn't going to hit there. Any news on that? And do you have to pre-register for the hillclimb or can we register when we get there?

Later JP


Nov 21, 2007
Thanks...I'll pass :(

Every year I hear that the organizers would like to have more people participate..here's my humble suggestion...lower the entry fees. If I lived in valdez I'd race, but for people out of town it's too expensive to justify the drive just for fun...you would have to love racing...and I'd prefer to be out riding. It'd cost me close to $400 to race one class (1000 mod) once you factor in fuel for the truck, fuel for the sled, hotel room, racer fee and entry fee. If the entry fee was say....$20 I could come down and race a couple classes and make a day of it...even get some buddies to come along and split gas, but $400 for 15 minutes or $100 to ride 6 hours in summit...it's not a tough decision to make.

Maybe it costs way more to put this on than I think, and I'm listening if someone will take the time to explain it to me, but how about taking some of that alleged 10K in prize money and put it towards the race expenses? I know I'd rather pay less to enter and win less, and I think I have a fair shot at placing.

And why do mod sleds have to pay more? Shouldn't we get a discount since we're already spending more on race fuel? :rolleyes:

I think this is a great event as well and understand entry fees, maybe alittle much like posted above but whatever. I would love to go as well but being right after artic man, high fees, and a long drive steers me away from it. Im sure its a great event but too rich and too far for my blood.
Nov 26, 2007
I don't see the 400. It looks like 125 to me?

What does it cost at Alyeska? Include everything.

And what is the payout?:beer;:beer;

I feel I explained the $400 fairly clearly in my previous post...and the cost would be the same for alyeska if their entry fees are as high...I'm still waiting to hear on that. But atleast they have multiple events to enter...I reread the valdez entry form and I'm only eligible for the 1500 mod class :rolleyes:

Also, have the organizers considered reversing the racer fee and entry fee? If the racer fee was $100 and entry fees $25 people could race multiple classes much cheaper...this also would increase attendance.
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Nov 28, 2007
Valdez Alaska
Hey spook,

Ross and I are headed down that weekend for the hillclimb and some riding before and after. Just hoping that the ash from the volcano isn't going to hit there. Any news on that? And do you have to pre-register for the hillclimb or can we register when we get there?

Later JP

J.P. the ash was/is very minimal. You can register when you get down here. I believe almost up to the last minute?? Don't quote me on that.

I will be up there from Thurday Am until Mon PM. So I will get some rides in. I will have my camper at the pullout across the street from the heliguides. My old orange beater will be there and the truck. Stop by for glass of MILK!!!:beer;:beer;
Nov 26, 2007
The hillclimbs are a great event to go watch or participate in. My group usually skips Arctic man, so that offsets the cost of two big weekends where you have to take time off of work. For the entry level racer, I also believe the entry fees are a little on the steep side, but the payouts are big. I ran the race for my first time last year and had a blast. I doubt I will do it again this year, but I know I will be there to cheer on the others. I sure wish that RMSHA rules didnt get so strict on the stock rules. I dont feel like running the improved stock class, just because I have a set of fox floats on my RMK. Either way, see you guys down there, and pray for great weather like we have had for the last couple years.
Nov 26, 2007
North Pole , Alaska
I feel I explained the $400 fairly clearly in my previous post...and the cost would be the same for alyeska if their entry fees are as high...I'm still waiting to hear on that. But atleast they have multiple events to enter...I reread the valdez entry form and I'm only eligible for the 1500 mod class :rolleyes:

Also, have the organizers considered reversing the racer fee and entry fee? If the racer fee was $100 and entry fees $25 people could race multiple classes much cheaper...this also would increase attendance.

The entry fees at Alyeska are about the same as Valdez. These entry fees are not too bad considering that the payouts at Valdez are high as they are. There are also lots of great places to go ride after the races in Valdez. I say leave the fees as they are and have high payouts for your time and effort or maybe add an amature trophy class like they do for the Juniors.

M7-Ballz 2 the Wall

Lifetime Membership
Nov 20, 2008
Anchorage, AK
J.P. the ash was/is very minimal. You can register when you get down here. I believe almost up to the last minute?? Don't quote me on that.

I will be up there from Thurday Am until Mon PM. So I will get some rides in. I will have my camper at the pullout across the street from the heliguides. My old orange beater will be there and the truck. Stop by for glass of MILK!!!:beer;:beer;

Sounds great! I'm bring the old black beater and maybe beat it up some more. I will defintly stop by for some "milk" and probably bring some of our own too. We'll have Ross's motorhome for the weekend. See you there.



Well-known member
Dec 10, 2008
Big Lake, AK
$400.00-? Damn, the wife and I wanted to run this year, but hell no, I just can't afford that just to see how we'd do.

It's still a fun time though, watching the race, and then having a snack in the sun with 50* @5600'.
Nov 26, 2007
$400.00-? Damn, the wife and I wanted to run this year, but hell no, I just can't afford that just to see how we'd do.

It's still a fun time though, watching the race, and then having a snack in the sun with 50* @5600'.

It wont cost you $400 dollars to see how well you do. The racer and membership fees will total out to $50 for an individual, and then the class fee for a stocker is $50dollars, and improved stock is at $80.

It would be a good idea if they were to do a trophy class to help boost there membership levels. Say if they were to have a run what you want(0-1000cc stock to semi improved) ameture race and only have to pay the membership fee, and then a company can sponsor the price of the trophies. This way more people can see what its like to race the course, boost membership numbers, and people can have something for the mantel at home if they place. Maybe this could be done with the only safety measures being what is already required for the stock class.
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