Just know going in what the thing could cost you. If an a-arm comes apart, you will most likely not get a free replacement. If you blow the first QD belt, they will usually replace it with the stronger '14 version.
The second year warranty is usually drivetrain only and is usually not a Polaris warranty. If it was a late season sale, you could be on the more comprehensive first year Polaris warranty still. Today I was quoted $1000 to extend my '13's warranty another year. I will let it expire on 1/3/14 instead.
I am going to turn up my oiler, install my gratis '14 QD belt and keep an eye on those a-arms. I am not a jumper so my tunnel should be OK.
BTW, the Pro is the best snowmobile I have ever ridden. Even flawed I would take it over anything else on the market today.