I have been watching this for the past few days and I've had enough!!!
If you all actually think it is the manufactures fault then you have obviously been inhaling to much race gas in the thin air of the north. The only one to blame for the exchange rate is our governments and if you think you are doing any dealer (USA or Canada) justice by blabbing your mouth about how much cheaper it is to buy it in the states, you are all out of your minds. As soon as YMC starts to feel the impact the will phone Japan then Japan will phone YMUS and nobody will be able to get any (new or used) Yamaha registered in Canada because YMUS will not sign off on the Recall release.
I know you are still going to do whatever you want and I am not one to stop you but think about who you throw under the bus while you are bragging about how good of a deal you did get or can get south of the border.