The Wade Channel:
News 6 times a day, tell you all the stuff that the communist news network wouldn't tell you. Without any religious bias. We actually tell some good news about the USA every show.
Talk show, where they tell you how congress and the president are pulling the wool over you eyes. And, we bash the UN a little.
Technology hour.
X games hour, mixed with battlebots.
Snowmobile hour. Me riding a different sled, in a different country every week.
Environment truth hour.
War hour, cover conflicts around the world, and talk about how the Europeans are too heartless to help anyone.
Constitutional hour. Where we tell you about your rights under the law. And, how you don't have to take it.
Comedy hour, where we make fun of the stupid Liberals.
Gun hour, where we get you excited about your 2nd amendment right to own a cannon, automatic weapon, or whatever you want.
How to make hour, where we show you how to make cool things at home, with real man tools.
Children hour where we counter all the crap they feed kids these days.
Dr. Phil like hour, where we tell you to get off you lazy butt, and better yourself.
Late night hour. Contests that involving water and tshirts, on coeds.