Here are the pics I have. I forgot to take a before and after pic of how it sits.
The 97 RMK skid, before tearing it appart
The 03 ProX skid partially appart
pretty much all the ProX parts on the RMK rails kinda in the track(minus the wheels they're from the RMK, except the inner blue wheels those are from the ProX skid)
Wider view of above, rear wouldn't bolt on woulda needed about a 6" longer track
Here's a "front view" of the skid as it sits before I put it in the sled. I had to use the RMK front upper bar part that bolts to the tunnel:
And a "rear view"
Like I said I still need to get an after pic, but when i sit on it, it doesn't go down much at all. I used the ProX torsion springs, except I had to trim them and mount the ProX rail spring catcher things as they would pop off the RMK stock spots at max extention and jab the track which could suck at speed.
Other than that the conversion was done with a complete ProX skid and the RMK skid. Had to drill out 2 holes larger and use the angle grinder to cut the inner front wheel bracket off as the wheels were siezed on(still spun though) and I couldn't get the bolt for the front spring/shock off and as such wouldn't have been able to put the Ryde FX shock/spring thing on.
These are the best "before" pics I have.. but the RMK rear of the tunnel sits higher now probably a couple inches atleast, but the track is still flat on the ground.
And yes that's the ProX that was the donor/sled you see laying around in bits every where in the other pics