Stacey and anyone else interested......
The world's easiest method for getting yourself unstuck is to LOCK YOUR PARKING BRAKE..and roll your sled over one time. Even the weakest person can dig a little under the low side ski and then lift up on the other side and slowly manage your sled as it rolls over. Sometimes you do have to stomp a bit of free roll space on the side of the running boards to free it up. If you don't keep it pinned and dig to China when you are getting stuck it helps a ton. Most of the time it will list to facing downhill and you are on your way (after dis-engaging the parking brake!)
Another tip is when you are on non-dangerous terrain and getting stuck bail off as you wack the throttle! The sled will be sitting there unstuck and waiting for your return. The trick here is not bailing when your sled can get away and bang into something. This is a meadow only manuever!
Mainly relax and use your guys are always claiming to have bigger brains than us. Gravity and strategy over brawn and it ain't a race. Take your time and go slow so you don't get exhausted fighting a battle that you won't win with your sled. (now that I'm as strong as a 6 year old girl I've had to learn this program or be left to the wolves)
The world's easiest method for getting yourself unstuck is to LOCK YOUR PARKING BRAKE..and roll your sled over one time. Even the weakest person can dig a little under the low side ski and then lift up on the other side and slowly manage your sled as it rolls over. Sometimes you do have to stomp a bit of free roll space on the side of the running boards to free it up. If you don't keep it pinned and dig to China when you are getting stuck it helps a ton. Most of the time it will list to facing downhill and you are on your way (after dis-engaging the parking brake!)
Another tip is when you are on non-dangerous terrain and getting stuck bail off as you wack the throttle! The sled will be sitting there unstuck and waiting for your return. The trick here is not bailing when your sled can get away and bang into something. This is a meadow only manuever!
Mainly relax and use your guys are always claiming to have bigger brains than us. Gravity and strategy over brawn and it ain't a race. Take your time and go slow so you don't get exhausted fighting a battle that you won't win with your sled. (now that I'm as strong as a 6 year old girl I've had to learn this program or be left to the wolves)