rider weight makes a HUGE difference, i weight maybe 165 in gear if i hop on my buddies sled it is sad how much higher of a mark i can make even on the same sled....
i think my riding group is worried, im the smallest rider and im getting boost... I need a bigger bumper!!!
What are you saying?

It's true though, people spend thousands of dollars on lightweight sled parts when really they just get up in the morning, drop a hearty deuce, and have the same effect!
Although, one thing I notice, since I'm a bigger guy, around 275 riding weight, is that I can throw a heavier sled around boondocking when others have problems. I know how to use my weight, and in some cases, I can flick my heavier sled around quicker than lighter people can on there own sled.
Although, on the bottomless days, it sure would be nice to a hundo lighter!!