get what you pay for comes to mind... snowcheck cats start in the 12s while the others are 16k+ no?
cat has a pretty good gauge, painted rail(s) and tunnel, tether, STANDARD. very solid performer for soft snow mountain riding, still better platform than a doo imo. just gotta seal the airbox, and maybe not on the 21s? 21s should have an improved rail and drop a couple more pounds at least, cat never just does BNGs, theres always something, usually a few things.
that said id order a 21 polaris if i were in the mood to WAY overpay for a toy this year. by WAY i mean likely having to rebuild the motor before Ive even paid it off. gonna stick to my 17MC until i can pay cash next time.
Fair point on the price. However I bought a new axys last year for 10k. Saturation has its perks. And is there any such thing as a 'holdover' cat after this year?
Riding the difference between a stock and lifted proclimb/acender points out the most obvious problem with the cats: they still ride like the nose wants to be sniffing out scooby snacks. The spindle caster and height, and skid height needs to be dealt with. I'm not so sure the rail was the right gimmick to go with to improve handling all around.
We'll see on the axys motor I got. I did buy an 800 and not an 850 for a reason, I'm with you on first year polaris motors. But regarding the 800s I'm seeing more griping about ctec motors here lately to be honest. Only problem I've had so far is the polaris tether messed some things up for a while but that was easily fixed........with a cat tether