you cant just use any have to get one that within the range of your motor..and i will garuantee the ONLY turbo that is IDEAL for the rmk 900 is the Garret GT3071r-WG (which has an internal wastegate).
there ALOT of things that need to happen to get the right kind of performance from your sled w/o blowing the turbo or the engine to pieces..
you DO need to special porting done to your cylinders, you DO need to get the head done as well...and the only person that i know of that has mastered the RMK 900 turbo machining, design, setup is Derek Fischer of Additude can get ahold of him and have him do your cylinders/head and buy parts from him as well, or the complete kit..
i am also working on a turbo build on my 06 900, but wont start install and whatnot until next i have plenty of time to learn what i need to do, so i can do it right the first time..
you need the following part...(but mind you, theres more then just these parts, theres special rate springs for your wastegate/BOV/FPR, hoses, clutching, porting to do as well)
--50mm blow off valve
--1:1 Rising Rate fuel pressure regulator
--turbo control box
--turbo with internal wastegate
--manual boost controller
--oil pump
--oil tank
--exhuast from turbo
--boost box intake to throttle bodies
--charge tube
--stock exhuast pipe
--vaccuum line cut into throttle body
and i have asked before, DO NOT go cheap on the brands (no no-name products) get quality parts for every part..or you can loose your turbo or engine and end up costing WAY more then you ever thought..
its not an easy task for us RMK 900 guys...there are VERY few sources for help, and you must do alot of research on your own...
all i can say is...its not easy, its not cheap and its AWESOME and i cant wait to do it