Different applications. It is the gate system that is being disabled to prevent spiking. Can't attach the whole file but here is the bit that matters:
If boost spiking occurs and is undesirable for your application, the gate system can be removed to give you a less aggressive boost
curve. This modification is only required in a minimal number of applications.
The gate system can be removed by the following steps.
Perform this modification on a clean bench so that the ball and spring are not lost
• Allow the engine to cool down before removing the Boost Tee from your vehicle
• Identify the input nipple with the restrictor at the end. Loosen the input nipple and remove the ball and spring.
• Check that the internal air passages are clear and free from debris
• Re-install the boost controller by following the instructions for your setup
• You will need to re-adjust your boost settings after the removal of the gate.