the broken record question.... I am new to this forum.. buying a leftover 13' nytro mtx this year and would like to boost it. Anyone buy the MPI stage one kit from Hartman inc?? I haven't purchased any kit yet but talked to him and seemed very knowledgeable and willing to back up his/mpi kit along with cold air and clutching. I know many turbo likers out there.... I am from Maine and don't have the mountains like out west but like the powder and boondocking but do mostly trail.. at sea level would the SC be the way to go? we do lots of trail riding but like to play as well. I don't want to spend the big dollars for impulse kit... im sure great kit but... want the throttle response of super but heard good things about mid mount kits too.. gas n go is what i'm looking for. tom hartmans kit is a 200hp at sea level on premium for 4995$ and is a kit that requires no sled modifications to install. we also have dumb exhaust laws around here as well, another reason I like SC kit. kit also has pulley upgrade to 220hp on race gas.. not looking for 150mph sled but 0-100 with arms being torn off is awesome to me.. Used to drag race v-max 4 and SRX, I know clutching goes a long ways.. soo anyway. anything better then a SC 200hp kit for $5k? throttle response is key.. ride with all 2 strokers..