Alright, seems we have two seperate issues. One, is the Turbo Dynamics reflash going to work on Mountain sleds. On the Z1T, it was set up for sea level to 10,000 ft. I do not see why this would not transfer into the M1100T reflash.
Second, anytime you add power, whether it be from bolt on mods, NOS, big bore, etc.... you are going to be adding RPM's to your existing clutch setup. You need to add weight and possibly change a spring to keep the RPM's in the specified range. Why would a reflash make the hp or torque curve different in regards to the RPM's? The stock setup is made to produce the power and torque within the engines rpm range.
For example, my M1000's peak RPM stock was 7200 if I remember right. I added a bunch of bolt on stuff. HP went up about 25 hp. I was taching 7800, but I never felt I was getting additional hp above the 7200. It actually ran like ****. Threw some weight at the clutch, max RPM was 7200 and it ran like a scalded cat.
I haven't seen a hp or torque map for the M1100T, so I really don't know where it produces peak hp. Whenever you throw hp at a one gear machine, you are going to have to change gearing or clutching to stay within the RPM range. I am into performance boating. My last boat was a 22 ft Donzi. It had 320 hp stock. I was running a 1.5 gear with a 22 pitch prop. I added heads, intake, cam and a few other things. HP went to around 400. Max RPM's on the engine were supposed to be 4800-5000. I was hitting the rev limiter at 5200. I switched to a 26 pitch prop. I picked up 10 mph and was comfortably at 4900 rpm. Why would added hp through a ECU reflash be any different? You are simply adding HP. You will need to reclutch regardless of RPM's to get the most out of the additional hp.
In all the reviews I read about the system with the Z1T, reclutching was mandatory, but I never heard of one losing hp due to the reclutching.
I am just trying to figure it out. I have been adding hp and tuning 2 strokes for 15 years. I have never messed with a 4 stroke sled, much less a turbo one. Like I said, just trying to figure it out and any help is appreciated.