when t's are installed, the volume of oil fed thru is reduced by a small orafice. the amount sent to the turbo is very very samll, this is the reason you can get away with the no drain concept on a sled. so little oil is going to the turbo that it needs a holding area ( bearing cavity ) to keep the bearings wetted. the oil will burn off and some will go out the seals. its a kool idea on the boondocer teams part.. its a monkey see monkey doo idea on the others who copied it .
it works.. however do not try it with a premix sled. the oil volume is much to high from the injecotr pump being used solely to feed the turbo and will flood out the turbo and crud it up in just a few minutes..if you have an intercooler you will spend the day flushing it of oil..heads up... more and more are swapping to the impulse pump.. with all the self tuning, self compensating controllers on the sleds you guys are screaming for another 4 amps of electricity..
it works.. however do not try it with a premix sled. the oil volume is much to high from the injecotr pump being used solely to feed the turbo and will flood out the turbo and crud it up in just a few minutes..if you have an intercooler you will spend the day flushing it of oil..heads up... more and more are swapping to the impulse pump.. with all the self tuning, self compensating controllers on the sleds you guys are screaming for another 4 amps of electricity..