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Trailshead Sold?


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Premium Member
I heard that Trailshead has sold. Does anyone know of the specifics or who the new owners are?
I heard it was but that Bob and Sandy are going to stay this year to help with the transition.
Hope the lodge doesn't follow the foot steps of other lodges it Wyoming and Colorado. Seems every time people sell out they are never the same and keep changing owners cause no one can make it work. I hope I am wrong and the new owners can carry on the great service they have had over the years.

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I hope they make it work. The Hills would suck without good food and gas in the middle of it.
I just returned from 3 days up at Hardy Camp. I have met the new owners Todd and Julie. They seem to be very nice people. I was their first customer by snowmobile when I stopped Wednesday for lunch. I have not noticed any major changes at this time. The menu board looks the same except I did notice some price changes. Bob and Sandy have agreed to help them out through the Christmas holidays. They have retained 1 employee from past years Cindy who worked the counter and did a lot of their cabin cleaning. The owners are in the process of finding help for the upcoming winter. They are living on site.
Wow, what a horrible first year.
I hope the Hills get some snow soon.
Please try to support these folks when we get some snow!
Yea no kidding, feel bad for them and the rest of the lodges. Hopefully things turn around soon but long range forecast does not look good....
Trailshead has definitely changed with the new owners, less food more money, they charged us $18 for a quart of Cat apv oil that most sell for $10,they had a couple of unrented cabins on Presidents weekend which is unheard of. We got chewed out for trying to pay for gas and order food like always, now must pay for gas at different till I guess! He took it upon himself to move peoples snowmobile trailers around without telling them. He told friends of ours that "HE DOES NOT NEED SNOWMOBILERS" and that "SNOWMOBILERS ARE THE ONE THAT NEEDS HIM". I hope they can take constructive criticism or they may lose quite a few good paying customers, they need all the customers they can get to keep the doors open. His attitude is wrong , HE ABSOLUTELY NEEDS SNOWMOBILERS AS CUSTOMERS if he is going to last.
i was hoping someone wouldn't say that. but it is hard to beat how bob and sandy ran that place. there is a reason they had it for so long and it worked. i have not met the new owners yet due to snow conditions this year.
I am not even the complaining type of person, I absolutely hate drama. This is the first time I have ever said anything negative on a forum, I am just hoping they will read this post along with a few others that will chime in. As of now there is still time for them to figure out what they are doing wrong, and what will turn people away forever, and how much repeat volume customers means to the Profitability of Trailshead.
bob and sandy always said that elk season and snowmobilers are their two main money makers and i would assume sturgis rally.
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When an establishment as popular as Trailshead that had very long term owners changes hands the changes that come with new ownership are not always welcomed. I spend more time in Trailshead than most. I have found the new owners to be very welcoming, freindly and helpful. I have not noticed any changes in the food portions but I did notice a slight price increase. I know and understand the changes at the till have not widely accepted but as a regular customer I appreciate the separation of the food orders from the fuel sales on busy days. I have heard complaints on the parking situation. Simply the parking on the side of the lodge is reserved for those who rent snowmobiles, have a storage unit or have rented a cabin. I heard a comment from a person who rents a storage garage that he was shocked to be able have a parking spot by his storage unit on Presidents day weekend and did not have vehickes parked in front of his rented garage where he couldnt get his snowmobile out. Although I have not heard or seen an attitude of snowmobilers need me I agree that is not the right attitude for a business. However the loss of Trailshead Lodge would be a huge loss to the system. Not only does the business serve a very large number of snowmobilers with food, gas, rentals and lodging, it also hosts one of the largest public parking areas on the entire system.
We need to be understanding that with the new owners of Trailshead there are going to be changes and that is not always a bad thing.
Trailshead has definitely changed with the new owners, less food more money, they charged us $18 for a quart of Cat apv oil that most sell for $10,they had a couple of unrented cabins on Presidents weekend which is unheard of. We got chewed out for trying to pay for gas and order food like always, now must pay for gas at different till I guess! He took it upon himself to move peoples snowmobile trailers around without telling them. He told friends of ours that "HE DOES NOT NEED SNOWMOBILERS" and that "SNOWMOBILERS ARE THE ONE THAT NEEDS HIM". I hope they can take constructive criticism or they may lose quite a few good paying customers, they need all the customers they can get to keep the doors open. His attitude is wrong , HE ABSOLUTELY NEEDS SNOWMOBILERS AS CUSTOMERS if he is going to last.

Well that figures, fits right in with everything else going on in this sport. Every year there are more fences, locked gates and No Trespassing signs. You take your life in your hands if you ride trails because of all the FTR's but it gets harder and harder to ride cross country because of the above reasons. Between the weather and the parking situation at Trailshead I'm amazed anyone showed up. After years of frustration with the parking many people I have talked to now avoid the Hills on Presidents weekend. For years the lot was jammed and usually a manufacturers semi was taking up one end of it, as for myself I have not ridden on that weekend for 10 years, don't need the hassle I guess. I avoid buying gas at Trailshead but I was told that gas is much higher this year than last but downtown it is about half what it was last year, Hm-m-m??? Oh well I guess we'll continue bringing our own gas and start bringing a sandwich along like we used to in the old days. I was reminiscing with my cousin a while back about the way things were when we grew up in the 60's and 70's, he said " yeah the music was better and cars were cooler, at least we have our memories, our kids don't even have that". If some of you people only knew what the riding was like in the 80's before it became a "destination".
Have not been to the hills this year but if trails head is going this direction ill park 20 miles closer and ride out of rec. springs and eat and fuel up at buckhorn and head back. Most of the time their Isnt any parking their anyways you have to drive down the road.
It would be nice if there could be 2-3 more trails leading into Rec, to alleviate some of the traffic on the 2 going into there now which can quite beat up by mid-day. They've got potential for quite a bit of parking and the food there is the best I've had on the system. I have a feeling there is going to be a parking problem further up the hill if certain plans come to fruition.

That small lot by Hardy looks like it could be expanded quite a bit, who maintains that? Too bad Thunderhead is not an option, they've also got a lot of room there.
The lot by Hardy Camp is maintained by the State. Except for Presidents day weekend it gets very little use. Maybe 2 trailers a weekend.
It would be nice if there could be 2-3 more trails leading into Rec, to alleviate some of the traffic on the 2 going into there now which can quite beat up by mid-day. They've got potential for quite a bit of parking and the food there is the best I've had on the system. I have a feeling there is going to be a parking problem further up the hill if certain plans come to fruition.

That small lot by Hardy looks like it could be expanded quite a bit, who maintains that? Too bad Thunderhead is not an option, they've also got a lot of room there.

An amaizing trail system could even be better with a new trail connecting Rec Springs area over to the Roughlock falls/Spearfish Canyon area. I know there are tough rock canyons in between but surely there is a useable draw to cross them somewhere north of the x-country ski area or west of Terry Peak. It would be sweet to be able to make a big triangle instead of running the trails both directions every ride!

I have the feeling Rec Springs will be the standard "go to" place on the trail system in the future.
Excellent service down at Mountain Meadows a few weeks back, was down there a couple times. Even Buckhorn has stepped up their game walking around asking if anyone needed anything.
Looked to be quite a few trailers parked at Mallow Camp when we went thru there.
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An amaizing trail system could even be better with a new trail connecting Rec Springs area over to the Roughlock falls/Spearfish Canyon area. I know there are tough rock canyons in between but surely there is a useable draw to cross them somewhere north of the x-country ski area or west of Terry Peak. It would be sweet to be able to make a big triangle instead of running the trails both directions every ride!

I have the feeling Rec Springs will be the standard "go to" place on the trail system in the future.

Yes, I agree! This would be perfect if at all possible. To ride out of Rec Springs and venture north of Trailshead makes for a long day of riding before your return to Rec Springs.

I've heard folk tales of a path, up the canyon walls southwest of Cheyenne Crossing where you end up headed towards Breakneck Pass. Anyone know if this is true?
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