I'm looking for 2 or 3 experienced drywallers to complete a remodel job at a lodge on the Denali Highway.
I'm not the owner, but he's my friend and he authorized me to make this deal.
All the materials; drywall, mud, tape, cornerbeading, tools etc. are in place they just need someone with the expertise to finish the job which should take an experienced crew working 8 hours, 2 or 3 days. The place has fulltime caretakers but they don't really have the skills to do this job right. On the upside, while you're there, you'll have homecooked meals, clean beds, satellite TV/internet and hot showers. The only thing you'll need to buy is beer if you want it.
The owner has sunk all of his capital into this place and is strapped for cash so what he is offering is free lodging and meals for the duration of the 2009/10 riding season in exchange for a professional grade job. The painting and flooring is scheduled to be done in-house but if you have the time and know-how and want to be loved forever, that's on the agenda as well.
If you're a mountain rider (and a drywaller) you'll get to ride an essentially unridden area with tons of backcountry bowls and valleys (OK, to be fair, it's going to get ridden this year for sure)
The job starts as soon as you're ready to ride out there. If anyone is interested please PM me for details.
I'm not the owner, but he's my friend and he authorized me to make this deal.
All the materials; drywall, mud, tape, cornerbeading, tools etc. are in place they just need someone with the expertise to finish the job which should take an experienced crew working 8 hours, 2 or 3 days. The place has fulltime caretakers but they don't really have the skills to do this job right. On the upside, while you're there, you'll have homecooked meals, clean beds, satellite TV/internet and hot showers. The only thing you'll need to buy is beer if you want it.
The owner has sunk all of his capital into this place and is strapped for cash so what he is offering is free lodging and meals for the duration of the 2009/10 riding season in exchange for a professional grade job. The painting and flooring is scheduled to be done in-house but if you have the time and know-how and want to be loved forever, that's on the agenda as well.
If you're a mountain rider (and a drywaller) you'll get to ride an essentially unridden area with tons of backcountry bowls and valleys (OK, to be fair, it's going to get ridden this year for sure)
The job starts as soon as you're ready to ride out there. If anyone is interested please PM me for details.
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