I'm seeking info; as a side job I make a tool that makes TPS adjustment a breeze and I'm curious if there's any need for this in the sled community. I ride dirt bikes myself and this is where the tool is currently being used, but I can easily make them for sleds if there's any need. You can see how the tool works here:
Please let me know if there's any interest in something like this among the sled community, any and all feedback is welcome. There's piles of discussion about how well this works in the dirt bike forums and there's no reason it wouldn't work just the same for sleds, assuming there's a need to ever adjust the sled TPS.
Please let me know if there's any interest in something like this among the sled community, any and all feedback is welcome. There's piles of discussion about how well this works in the dirt bike forums and there's no reason it wouldn't work just the same for sleds, assuming there's a need to ever adjust the sled TPS.