Thanks everyone for all the input, energy, ideas and generous donations pledged for the signage project. Let’s back up a moment and answer a couple of questions here.
First- a sign with just the danger rating is static. Given the complexity of snow, a blanket Low, Moderate, etc… doesn’t address what’s going on with the snowpack, probability of triggering a slide or the consequences. For example we could have a generally LOW to MODERATE overall avalanche danger, but a CONSIDERABLE danger of triggering deep, dangerous hard slab avalanches…. much like what’s going on in the Uinta’s right now. Not very straightforward for a one word descriptor.
Secondly- yes, liability is an issue; however misinformation is a bigger issue.
Finally- I came up with the Are You Beeping? signs to combat the rising fatalities associated with lift served backcountry skiers and especially snowboarders. They’re installed at ski area boundaries and I’ve also implemented them in Logan and parts of the western Uinta’s. The signs are graphically enhanced to catch attention, give clues to instability and provide resources to tap into so folks can learn more about avalanches and make educated, informed decisions.
Taking this to the next level- we should identify key locations statewide and decide where we’re going to get the biggest bang for our buck. If you’d like to email me at I’m psyched to get the ball rolling.
The upcoming avy ride fundraiser on Saturday, Feb. 7th would be a great place to earmark funds for this project. Please spread the word of this event so we can continue keeping riders on top of the greatest snow on earth, rather than buried beneath it.
Thanks… I look forward to working with y’all on this and hope to see you at Tri-City for tonight’s avy awareness presentation!