Hate to say it......but your askn to much... like other guy said. Lots out there where guys have
30k invested like you and selln for 17k. Anyways me making coment may help your add..good luck, nice sled
Big help thanks. I'd much rather keep the the sled then give it away. Not desperate just thought I'd sell it and start a new project. I,m just not willing to give it away so if it does not sell no big deal. 17,000 will barely get you a new stock sled with a turbo. I guess people are just desperate.
No, really, you're asking way too much. Why not sell it for 15K and take a 100% loss on the build lol TTT for ya Dale. Just keep and build a second sled over the summer.
Is there a fuel tank in the place of the muffler? I have my exhaust above the track under the tunnel and have a dead space under the seat ,i thought it looked like a extra tank on your ride .If so I want one. VERY SWEET RIDE