TSS bypass
You can not simply unhook the switch at the plug. You have to pull the back of the throttle block apart. Inside there will be a small black compartment. Inside this there will be a set of curved contacts, a resistor, and a spring. The small button behind the flipper gets pushed when the throttle closes which in turn pushes or slides the resistor. You have to remove the resistor and spring. Then put everything back together. If you do not tape this up under the hood somewhere, you should fill the compartment with dielectric grease so moisture cannot get inside this compartment and play havoc with your system. I did this to mine right away troubleshooting and have ran it for ~800 miles like this with no codes or issues.
PS I would highly recommend a tether(not just ones with the tss removed) on all pros as the throttle has froze open on mine several times.