Hang tight...this is getting fixed! I know things are crazy but there are good things on the horizon. Its constuctive critisism that helps move things the right direction and all these comments are read. I hope you guys dont think the mods dont listen because we do. You guys know who we are and we share the same views. We want good things and are trying to represent the forum members and there views as well, try not to beat us up.
Wasn't trying to poke a stick in your eye Himark, I'm not happy with the way Christopher manipulates things to accomplish his agenda. We wouldn't need $30,000 worth of new stuff if he'd quit wiring in all the bells and whistles that most of us don't care about anyway. I've had to pull back on some things I thought were cool because others around me voted it off the island, why can't he?
If a site with 30,000 members and as many lurkers can't support itself with advertising, maybe it's because they don't listen to their advertisers like they don't listen to their members. I spent thousands this year at Harris' place (Falls Printing) and they did a good job, if they're not making ends meet then they should charge a little more for goods and services and not spend money on creating a 4m site with tons of useless bling. If I were Mr. Harris, I'd take Christopher aside and tell him: Look, this isn't working, they don't like you but they could really use this kind of stuff over at TEEN magazine.