"Mass Transit" is a GREAT AMERICAN TRUCK. . .it looks like a TRUCK, it feels like a TRUCK and it damn well drives like a TRUCK - it should only be owned by a true red-blooded American.
If you do not own a toolbox, have never changed your own oil and are scared of the dark: THIS TRUCK IS NOT FOR YOU
If you have been posting on Facebook about how excited you are to go shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond: THIS TRUCK IS NOT FOR YOU
If you get offended easy and often, whine to your co-workers and b!tch a lot: THIS TRUCK IS NOT FOR YOU
If you own a Bieber album, white Oakleys, Affliction t-shirts or those candy-azzed stitched-pocket jeans: THIS TRUCK IS NOT FOR YOU
If you consider the 2nd Amendment a relic, never owned a firearm and criticize those who do: THIS TRUCK IS NOT FOR YOU
However if you answer "Hell Yeah!" to the following:
• Do you laugh at danger and tempt fate?
• Have you ever uttered the words, "Hold my beer, watch this ..."?
• Do you own a service manual for every vehicle you ever owned?
• Can you carry on a two hour conversation discussing tools, guns, scars and hi-lift jacks?
• Have any of your friends quit hanging out because their old lady considers you a bad influence? Could you care less?
. . .then you may have true BALLS OF STEEL and worthy of owning this impressive studmobile.