Hey BT, I understand your frustration looking at this from your viewpoint. But from my viewpoint as a police officer it gets tiresome when people bash cops all the time. In this case, you don't know for sure if the man had a heart attack. Since he was elderly it is common to put sensors on to monitor a patient after a traumatic incident. If he'd had a heart attack they would probably have more than just monitors on him, in fact IF the ambulance was still there the door would not be open.
In some cases, officers have to write a ticket on an accident. If your car was struck by another car you would want the at-fault person to get a ticket, otherwise the insurance company would go through all the hoops, saying their client was not at fault. And are you sure it was even a ticket he was writing? From driving by I don't see how you could be. He could have been writing notes, measurements or starting on the report.
I get the old picked on in high school stuff all the time. I wasn't picked on, at least to my knowledge.The fact is I've wanted to be a PO since I was about 5 years old. I love my job. Quotas are illegal, and last year I probably wrote 2 traffic tickets. Traffic is not my thing, although I understand the need for enforcement.
It just gets old when people start to bash cops. I've been shot at a couple times, once with an SKS. My partner was shot in the chest with a shotgun, while I was about 30 feet behing him I could feel the debree on my face from the buckshot hitting the ground in front of me. I'm not bragging, there are better cops out there than me. I'm just saying that there's a lot we do that people just don't get. When I go to functions I usually don't tell people that I'm an officer because the first thing they do is tell me the last time they got a traffic ticket they didn't deserve. A lot of people just assume that's all we do.
Again, I can appreciate how it looked from where you were, but it may not have been as it seemed. Sorry for the novel!
Good post, all to often cops are the first to get bashed and blamed without hearing the other side of the story, especially the media up here in Canada, if a thief gets shot, people wonder if police used to much force, if he gets away, the police were too lazy and fat to catch him, sometimes it seems they cannot win. There is some bad cops out there, this may have been one of them, but I guarentee the good ones far outnumber the bad in my opinion, and I would rather have a police force with a few bad apples, than anarchy.