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This kid is crazy. Funny though

Parents had way to much alcohol the night of conception and Mama did not stop drinking / smoking / drugs until 24 hours before birth. The federal government should step in and fix some people so they can not reproduce.
I'm pretty good at hockey too. Hey look Johnny Depp is on tv.My family went to Niagra falls before.My dogs name is spade.I just heard the snow plow.I like grapes.I think I forgot to take my ridalin today.These snozberries taste like snozberries.I smell toast.Wanna go for a bike ride?I like swimming.Ever write your name in the snow?That dog has a puffy tail.Did I take my pill today?I met a guy once.Do you like to read?My mom says I'm cool.

Hey @$$hat talk to your shrink and up the dose.
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