Lightened Apex/RX?
Be careful... once you taste the dark side, might not go back!
I can say that since I used to have a few Pol 2 strokes (700 twin, 800 triple/triple) before jumping ship.
Everyone I know is touting the Nytro, and sounds like it's well deserved (haven't even sat on one yet myself), but I would throw something else out there as an option. A lightened up Apex or RX1 is a very formidable sled as well, and doesn't have to be boosted. i.e. the mods below would knock the dry weight on an apex down from it's 597 to under 540. Still a little heavier than most 2 strokes, but as others have said, you really don't feel it. Yeah, it costs a bit, but if you can pick up an apex for $6500 and throw $2500 into it to lighten it up, you get a very reliable sled which will last a long time, and surprise the bejesus out of you as far as how 'boondockable' it really is.
Also, again have never ridden one so I'm just flat-guessing, but I would think that a Nytro would have a very difficult time keeping up with a lightened up Apex.
mod cost weight savings
-------- ------ --------------
exhaust $500 15 pounds (Excell, or make your own for less $)
seat $500 11 pounds
skid $1500 30 pounds
battery $75 5 pounds
btw, I have an 03 RX1 mountain which I have knocked about 90 pounds off of, and am very happy with how it floats/climbs, very nimble and reacts very quickly in tight spots.