Had side panels off an 08 renegade that were painted black stolen this weekend from White Pine MI. Also 7 or more other skidoos got hit in that area this weekend.You not only ruin someones day, but the rest of thier vacation. we pay our hard eaned money for our stuff, leave it alone. Get a job and make money the honest way!!!!!!! If you hear of anyone have done this or selling alot of parts all of a sudden please, PLEASE let me know. The cops are hot on thier trail, and have them on video at one of the spots. Please help if you can, lets work work together to stop these thiefs before they get more stuff or one of your things And remember THEIFS, what goes around comes around. youll get yours, and you better hope I dont catch you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lets all work together, remember if you know something, but say nothing, you could be next!!!!!Cops said they are stealing from all makes and models--lets work togther and stop this, who cares what you ride, as long as you ride what you like. Piece bro's