The people I speak of always say it that way. "You will sue us" If I was hurt on thier property, I could go after "pain and suffering" money. The docs, therapy, etc that provided my care should be able to collect from my health insurance carrier.
I do agree with the concern these people have does not stop with me, but with anyone who nursed me back to health. I have a story regarding this.
In November of 2006, I was skateboarding one of my favorite spots, a drainage ditch on a city owned golf course. This ditch has a PVC pipe at the bottom that acts as a drain. About 30 minutes into the session, I took a full speed header into the bottom of the ditch. My head hit the PVC pipe then the concrete. The PVC pipe nearly cut off my left ear. I also had a nice concussion and a bunch of road rash. My friends called an ambulance, and off to the hospital I went. I required four hours of stitching from a plastic surgeon to reattach my ear. Surprisingly, my ear looks normal now. I did have the pleasure of looking like a mutant for a few weeks.
Needless to say, my care went way past my $5000 deductable. My insurance co was on the hook for $10000+. They mailed me a questionaire regarding the details of the accident. They wanted a description of what happened, where and when. I filled it out. Well, all except the where part. I was intentionally vague on this one. I knew thier goal was to get the property owner on the hook so they could recover some of thier cost. Had I been more clear on this, I believe they would have gotton the property owner involved. Then guess what? The ditch gets fenced or destroyed. Fortunately, the owner wasnt involved and I still skate that ditch all the time.
The point of the story is this: I chose not to sue and I believe that I prevented others from suing. I was the pivital player in the case. It came down to me not wanting a lawsuit. Could I have sued to get my $5000 deductable back? I dont know, but I didnt even find out. I know skateboarding is dangerous. I accepted the risk, delt with the consequences and no one got sued.