As they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
In an area that normally see's around 400 inches a year. In 2011 those same area saw a record 650 inches. In 2012 we have not even hit 100 inches and its on pace to be the driest in history which was recorded in 1977 with around 168 inches. Quite the a CHANGE AH!!! The word for today boys and girls is "Climate Change" =)
B, your right, a picture is worth a thousand words. Also important is a rational ability to reason.
To me, your argument is supporting the side you are contesting . . . seasonal differances have always occured. So have changing trends. Remember the dinosaurs? Nope, me neither. Seems like I read somewhere that they got cooked out . . . am I missing something here?
As for the false data and mis-information about global change, if you study the temp/moisture data since it has been recorded, you see fluctuations in both directions.
AND, if you cross referance history with the global climate change, you will see that it has benifited man more than it has set him back. (industrialization, exploration)
I'm not fool enough to believe that man pouring every kind of poison into the earth and the environment is good for it, and that's not what I'm saying.
I am old enough to remember when the whole environmental movement really got going, and the US anyway is a cleaner, better place for it.
So, there is good and bad to everything would be my point. I'm sorry that you have to travel farther to your favorite glacier, but in contrast, the biggest iceburg in history sits off the coast of Tasmainia and is 22 miles long . . .
Be patient, if you don't like the weather, just wait, it will change.
If you believe in global warming (change) take comfort in the efforts/technology evolving.
If you don't, take comfort in not being alone and help keep the system balanced. Ever hear that old saw about "For God so loved the world that he didn't send a commitee"?
It takes both sides to keep things on an even keel.