Ok we have all heard the BS reasons from BRP, only 5% breaking, poor quality of metal, robotic welder not working properly blah blah blah. The real reason is that BRP cheaped out on us. Instead of going with a supplier that knew what the were doing and has a good track record with this type of shaft they decided to engineer it themselves and either had it built in one of their factories or farmed it out to another company. This parts which they could have bought for around 90 bucks was too expensive for them. So for all you guys that had to have your sleds flown out and rent a sled if you wanted to keep riding I am sure the 20% or so they saved on 90 bucks is a real p!ss off for you. So where were these defective shafts made, it’s probably not surprising to learn that they are made in Mexico. Where could of they bought shafts that would have worked but cost 20-30 bucks more?, you guessed correctly if you said Ontario. That right from the company that charges us Canadians 20% more for a sled and do almost everything possible so you can’t buy it in the US they saved 20 to 30 bucks to get defective shafts made in Mexico instead of buying them from a CANADIAN supplier.
Oh yea the new shafts will fail too but at a much lower rate because they are still designed wrong.
Oh yea the new shafts will fail too but at a much lower rate because they are still designed wrong.