Woo hoo! I just called my dealer to ask if he had any holdovers left re: the post below about holdover prices. He said he didn't but he did just take delivery of 3 new 2014's!!!!!!
None of them were my snowcheck though, dang it!
All of them were production sleds, no snowchecks in the bunch. He didn't offer up any info on when he might get more. He kinda discouraged such talk since they are still in ATV/UTV mode. They took delivery and then quickly tucked them away in the back of the lot!
None of them were my snowcheck though, dang it!
All of them were production sleds, no snowchecks in the bunch. He didn't offer up any info on when he might get more. He kinda discouraged such talk since they are still in ATV/UTV mode. They took delivery and then quickly tucked them away in the back of the lot!