I had the top end done and the top head gasket was pinched on the head causing the coolant to blow out and over heat did you run it long? If you run it for 15 minutes or so it will pressure up enoughto blow out the overflow.
Secondly you can check and be sure the wires to to the temp sensor are still in good shape.you may need a new connector.
I had a problem with a intermittent overheat dash light problem. I had a shorted wire (purple/beige wire) to ground somewhere in the harness to the dummy light on the dash. I ran a new wire and the problem was gone. I started out thinking the sensor was bad/ themostat or thought maybe I had air in the antifreeze system. I had just installed new rings so I figured I had done something with the ring install to cause the problem. This was on a 2003 Doo. Good luck.
Did you "burp" the system to remove the air? An air bubble is hotter than the liquid. It also causes dangerous hot spots in the head and cylinders. The temp. light will come on as the engine warms up. If the light immediately comes on then its wire or sensor. Check you thermostat while apart.