I have spent a lot of time on my 2000 rmk 800- enough to have a good idea of when it is getting hot and when it is probably not. The last couple times I took it out- the temp light keeps flashing on me, then eventually staying on until I shut it off for a while. before the light is solid, it seems to go away when I am riding at higher rpms, then seems to flicker more consistently when i'm at lower rpms.
Today I was riding when it was about 30 degrees out and in a foot of fresh Utah snow. Plenty of snow all over the place to keep it cool. On the way out I stopped about 3 or 4 times to let it cool on the way to my usual "spot". I normally go all the way without seeing a temp light. On the way back the temp light was flickering and I ignored it, made it back to the truck without a problem. Full of oil and coolant by the way. Could this be a sensor sending a false message to the light on the hood? Anything you guys would recommend I should check? Like I said, I really don't think the sled is getting as hot as the temp light indicates.
thanks for the replies.
Today I was riding when it was about 30 degrees out and in a foot of fresh Utah snow. Plenty of snow all over the place to keep it cool. On the way out I stopped about 3 or 4 times to let it cool on the way to my usual "spot". I normally go all the way without seeing a temp light. On the way back the temp light was flickering and I ignored it, made it back to the truck without a problem. Full of oil and coolant by the way. Could this be a sensor sending a false message to the light on the hood? Anything you guys would recommend I should check? Like I said, I really don't think the sled is getting as hot as the temp light indicates.
thanks for the replies.