The federal government (actually all levels of government) really don't like you to own a gun. Any semi automatics are restricted to a 5 round magazine, as mentioned above, with the exception of .22's Fully auto are illegal, period. I'm not sure about pistol mags. In B.C. there are different types of licences to own a gun. A "possesion only" you can own them but you can't buy them. A "possesion and accusition (sp?) you can own them and buy them and some of the models are "grandfathered" for example my brother owns a derringer and because he owned it before a certain date he can keep it, but he can't sell it or give it away. When he dies the government confiscates it and destroys it, it's all because of the short barrel length. It's not to difficult to legally buy a handgun but the use is very restricted, you must belong to a rod and gun club, and to take it there (and only there) to shoot you need special permits. There are no carry permits. Some guys in the bush, like prospectors or surveyors used to be able to carry but I don't know if you still can get those. there's more but I got to go to work