Today's update is that is it s permitted logging operation who has it stipulated in their operating agreement to leave at a minimum 4" of packed snow on any road that they were plowing. So it looks like the company is in violation of their USFS operating agreement.
A group of us has been talking with the USFS to resolve the situation and recommended that the logging company put back 4" of snow pack in a track only 9' wide so the snowmobile club can groom and maintain this section. The local snowmobile club even said they would use the groomer for no cost to the usfs to help maintain and put back the snow necessary - again only a 9' section so that the logging company can get out what they need and we can have access. Happy ending for all!
With 4" of snow there would be no problem with the Cottonwood access and we would like to see them replace 4" of snow as it looks like it will be 7-10 days until we see snow and in that time the road will be all dirt.
Cat it something to think about is it is not only loggers who feed their families on USFS lands. Federal lands are all about mixed use and all commercial operations are bound by a operating agreement with the USFS. In this case it looks like they (logging company) did not abide by the operating agreement they were given and in turn is effecting the livelihood of others who make there living on federal lands. IMO all permitted by the USFS should operate with in their agreement, take responsibility for their actions of no adhering to their permit, and to put back the snow that they said they would not remove.
It is not fair for any permittee to operate out side of any USFS agreement and just expect all other users (both other commercial and private) to deal with it. This is the very reason we have these agreements in the first place. Operating outside of a permit will cause problems just like this one and it is the responsibility of the permittee to operate within the agreement as to avoid problems just like this one. Unfortunately in this case it looks like the logging company choose to operate outside of what they were permitted to do.