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Take back our land


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I have sent letters to my senators and am starting an investagation as to how possible is it to tell the feds to get out of my state and have the state take control of public lands and use. If not then make them pay high taxes on the land they control.
Does anyone have info on this , I am damb serious about it. I believe under the constitution the states have all the rights not the feds.
It is a great idea but unfortunately the supreme court always seems to rule that federal law trumps state law. Quite a load of crap if you ask me.

Once it is closed I don't think it is possible to get it opened again.
I have sent letters to my senators and am starting an investagation as to how possible is it to tell the feds to get out of my state and have the state take control of public lands and use. If not then make them pay high taxes on the land they control.
Does anyone have info on this , I am damb serious about it. I believe under the constitution the states have all the rights not the feds.

The way I have allways read it the states have the rights, but that I do believe has gone away with our new government. As 727 says the Supreme court makes all of the decisions anymore. They know what is best, LOL well at least what is best for them.

For sure, you have a great idea, and I think it should work like that.
I get what you are saying. but i don't know how you would get state control of federal land. jsut becasue it sits in the state does not make it state land.
I don't think the federal government should "own" land in the first place.

It should be state or private and the state should not have the right to sell the land the belongs to the people and they definitely shouldn't be allow to do a land swap with the feds.
The concept of "land ownership" is a myth. You do not even own the land you live on...don't believe me? dont pay your property taxes or income taxes and see what happens...your are just renting your land from the gov't in the form of taxes.

I know this is an extreme example of the gov't role in land use, but this is the battle we are facing. The Fed Gov't has control of the land.

Sad but true.
Modsleder is dead on. The Gov. will take your property away anytime they want to put in a new road or freeway. They say they will pay you market value...unfortunatly your market value will go in the tank as soon as there is a road proposed in your hood. The whole taxation system is really screwed up. Unfortunatly this country is run by a bunch of attorneys and they know how to create a system that only another lawyer can wade through.
What's being said has great merrit but if it's the lawyers that are at fault then we the people need to not elect lawyers any more and start paying attention to the yahoos we are voting for. I have had some good responces from local politics on taking back our land and as I once was a couch voter and not active at all; I have made the decision to be active as I think all of us should.
What's being said has great merrit but if it's the lawyers that are at fault then we the people need to not elect lawyers any more and start paying attention to the yahoos we are voting for. I have had some good responces from local politics on taking back our land and as I once was a couch voter and not active at all; I have made the decision to be active as I think all of us should.

This is a great statement. Many believe that voting is the same as being involved...IT'S NOT!!

It's why I'll never understand people who get emotional about politics when all they do is vote...it's not worth it, because you have no control over what happens. And for most people, that is fine. There are many topics in politics I wont even bother discussing, because I'm not involved...it drives people nuts when I say "I dont care"...but I truly dont, it's not worth it to me. Life is too short.

Land use is the one area I do care about and have gotten involved in (a little)...but it's very frustrating because most do not care until it is too late. When there are land use meetings and out of the several hundred that show up, less than a dozen are sledders, it makes it hard to keep fighting.

Now I'm depressed... :frusty: :mad:
Here you go. This is what you need. Figure out how to get something like this going, get the backers and you might have it. Follow this close. It may be guns but it is almost the same as land. The fight will be on. Elect the right governers.

HELENA (AP) — A federal magistrate is recommending the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by eight states seeking freedom from federal gun laws.

The recommendation now goes to the federal judge hearing the case.

The states argue they should decide which rules would control the sale and purchase of guns and paraphernalia made inside their borders.

The federal magistrate on Wednesday sided with the U.S. Department of Justice and gun control advocates who say the courts have already decided that Congress can set standards on such items as guns through its power to regulate interstate commerce.

The states in the lawsuit are Montana, Utah, Alabama, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming and West Virginia.
Modsledr; Cowboy up man. If we get worn down they win, only a few guys started this country and risked life and fortune and gots lots of flack from freinds so be one of them, every leader started out with no one behind them.
Look at how this little known subject has grown on this site, I hope to see it go further . Also in that suit is my state SD and senator Thune has helped me with my quest for info on how to take back our land.
Lol...why do I feel like a little kid getting a pep talk from dad??!! :D

I'm by no means giving up the fight...unfortunately, here in WA, there is NO support from the very left leaning legislative representatives (the same ones who fought for MORE wilderness a couple of years ago and won...Wildsky).

It is always an interesting conversation with those who want more land..."You have designated areas for non-motorized use, why do you need our land too?" answer..."those areas are too crowded, so we come here because there are less people...but we dont like all the noise from the motorized users, so we need to get them banned".

Okay....here I go again.....

The concept of "land ownership" is a myth. You do not even own the land you live on...don't believe me? dont pay your property taxes or income taxes and see what happens...your are just renting your land from the gov't in the form of taxes.

I know this is an extreme example of the gov't role in land use, but this is the battle we are facing. The Fed Gov't has control of the land.

Sad but true.

So, I haven't been on here in ages and I have not read this entire thread. Believe me, as a SAWS Rep, being on the leading edge of information from all over the country about land use and land rights issues, some days it's more than I can bear. :Cry:

I did have a very interesting website sent to me from a woman in Colorado this summer. Talk about depressing!! However, it is very informative. http://www.takingliberty.us/

The site contains a great deal of information from history to present day practices. I can't help but feel like it seems very 'conspiracy theory', but when you start looking around and connecting the dots...is it really? I think not. It is happening and it's well funded.

Okay - now I'm depressed!! :hurt:

Oh - and, as always, SAWS is continually seeking individuals who want to volunteer time to attend meetings, write alerts, write opinions/editorials, lobby legislators, etc. There is simply way to much going on these days for those of us who are volunteering now to cover everything. We need help folks!! Pounding away at your keyboards and whining over the way it is, or is becoming, isn't helpful to the cause. Sorry if this comes across as *****y, but frankly, if somebody else says to me 'SAWS should....', I just might go postal! LOL!! :face-icon-small-win If there is something that you think "should" be happening, then by all means, make it happen.
The Gov doesn't even own the land anymore they have mortgaged it to pay for their ridiculous spending. Have you heard the latest on the "Canadian lynx" saying it needs to be protected and will shut down snowmobiling in WY, MT, ID, etc... and supposedly it passed. Thanks to a WY (I don't remember names and offices very well) elected official, He was strong on the fight against the re introduction of wolves but appointed his wife to a lifetime judge seat (or something to that effect) and she is leading the fight to shut us down. We are going to have to make a stand and some of us will take it in the shorts but it needs to go national, as peacefully as possible so they can't claim us to be radical, but if it can not be done peacefully we must do what we have to, its time we started doing what it takes to keep America the way it was founded. They will take my sled the same way they take my guns, either way if they do I wont be around anymore.
About the gun control the EPA tried to shut it down by banning led bullets, Just the fact that they tried it should piss us all off. But the president gave them control, this should piss us off just as bad.
I would like to see them prove any harm caused by sleds, and anything they argue would be set off by the presidents vacations, noise from the jet, mass amounts of fuel burnt etc... They all think they know whats best for us but more and more everyday ignore the fact that God gave us "free will" and if you take "free will" it stops every part of learning and higher achievement. Something you have to understand before you can help anyone.
I have an Idea, lets start a religion that requires snowmobiling to praise God from the top of snow covered mountains. Then we can constitutionally have freedom of religion to sled.
If they are going to let Muslims get away with raping there wife's under "sharia law". (This was aloud in a court by a stupid judge under freedom of religion). Then Why can't we do it. We would be the most dedicated of all religions and it would be a write off.
All the money that each of us donates to SAWS each year should be going to one thing and one thing only... the fight to NOT get our areas shut down. Nothing else matters IMO. What I don't understand is why the Manufactures whom have all the money and ability to fight things like this aren't trying to help out. Without areas to ride they sure as hell aren't going to be selling any sleds...
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We have to do more then simply donate to SAWS and forget about it.

We have to be actively "harassing" our public officials. Groups like SAWS can fight for us, but the elected officials needs numbers.

The more of us that step up and write letters, attend local town hall meetings, and above all freakin vote. The more things will change, or stay the same, whatever way you wanna look at it.

I'm so sick of people complaining about things, but when you ask them who they voted for, they get that far off stare and say, "weeeeeeeell, I didn't actually vote this year."

Drives me nuts, if my lazy a$$ can vote from overseas in Korea, why can't they step across the street and do it locally.

I'll get off my soap box now :face-icon-small-win

Its not harassing its debating. Which they wont do so its time to fire them which means informing people and letting them vote. Thats why it needs to be national in a peaceful manner, we have to be smart and use there tactics against them or we are done. (well I'll never be done) I'm just waiting to get the real story on this so called Canadian lynx project and then someone is going to be in the fire.
the canadian lynx issue is not new by any means. the issues has been around for about 10 years. the theory is that sleds create roads that allow other predators to get to the snow shoe hare. thus allowing undue competiton for the lynx. however there was in the past a clause that would have no net lose of groomed trails. I have pulled away from the land use for some specific reasons but still check here now and than.
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